
I’d like to thank the following folks:

Sally Sillick for helping to alleviate the effects of choosing to think instead of know.

Jocelyn Ferrer who seems to be the only one who shares my abject dread of what this runaway hominism is leading to.

Noah Fentz for trying to show me that we don’t have to apologize to each other every time we happen to disagree.

Kay Sedilla for teaching me to eschew all attempts to garnish anything, pointing out that this will only compromise any “nutritional value” it had in the first place.

Jerry Atrix who, for all his years, is sharper and more aware than most people many decades his junior. His motto is: the smarter your phone, the stupider you’re likely to become.

Dee Ennay who’s always quick to remind me that it’s not so much what you’re born with as what you choose to do with it.

Lou Gubrius who brought me to see the transcendent beauty of sadness.

Ray Steibrau for instilling in me a healthy sense of skepticism that somehow remains untinged by paranoia (I think).

Max Doubt for providing the balancing counterview that a lifetime is too short to closely scrutinize every morsel of information you encounter.

Annapola Dey whose transition from frugal carnivore to carnal frugivore has never ceased to inspire me.

Minnie Skurtz for helping me to walk erect through some of my darkest days.

Al Symers who reminds me that you’ll never be able to remember what you cannot forget in the first place (or was it the other way around?)…