30 day Earth 4.6 billion years of Earth history scaled down to 30 days
40 Beatles my 40 favorite Beatles songs*
60s chronology some important events in 1960s music
acronyms a list of acronyms
affixes a list of L and Gk affixes used in the sciences
ambiguous abbreviations abbreviations that can mean more than one thing
anagrams a list of anagrams
androgynous names a list of first names that can be male or female
ashamedly fond of some songs I know I shouldn’t like, but I do*
astrodata some miscellaneous astronomical data
autodata some miscellaneous automotive data
Beatlebattle a chronology of John vs. Paul
biodata some miscellaneous biological data
biothoughts some biological musings
bottomsongs the worst songs ever written or performed! *
earthnotes some miscellaneous terrestrial information
film years a chronology of some notable films
freqwords the most frequently-written English words
gosh darn good not absolute favorites, but some songs I like a lot*
homographs a list of homographs
homophones a list of homophones
influential persons some historic figures who have influenced me*
list 2001 a list of my all-time favorite songs*
mammal families a synopsis of the families of mammals
monosyllabic genera a list of monosyllabic genus names
nate and mort natality/mortality of family/friends/famous folks
nonterms nonsensical terms
notable films some notable films
nowords words I despise*
offBeatle songs where Beatles violate their usual job descriptions
palindromes a list of palindromes
probwords a list of confusing or problematic words
songnotes some miscellaneous song information
songwriters some notable (mostly non-performing) songwriters
SSL science as a second language
teachables some clarifications in the classroom
toplists lists of some of my favorite things*
topsongs my personal rankings of various artists’ songs*
verbrev some verbal revelations
yeswords some words I’m very fond of*
Some lists (Microsoft Word):
207 songs in 12 albums clustering Beatles singles around albums
Beatle contributions the primary authorship of each Beatles song
Beatle subjectivity same as above with my rankings*
best westerns my favorite westerns*
character actors a list of familiar faces with unfamiliar names
comparative affixes common L and Gk affixes arranged by category
comparative affixes – examples some examples of the above affixes
English sounds list a reverse phonics synopsis
film years some notable films arranged chronologically
Ford milestones some important events in Ford history
history of NASCAR some historic NASCAR data
NASCAR distilled some succinct NASCAR history
notable albums albums with no more than one weak track*
order order the traditional order of bird orders/families in the literature
phonics synopsis an attempt to list every possible phonetic unit in English
post-Beatle years my rankings of some solo Beatles songs*
Simon years my ranking of Paul Simon’s songs*
some Detroit data some information on Detroit music and sports
song years some notable songs arranged chronologically
term coinage some terms I’ve coined (some coincidentally)
the state bird problem a plan for every state to have a unique state bird
*an opinion-based assemblage